UCMAS Franchise Cost: Start your business with Abacus Coaching Centre

UCMAS Abacus FranchiseUCMAS is one of the most well-known Abacus training institutes in India. UCMAS took its root in Malaysia, started its Indian operations in 1999. Today it has become a global leader in visual arithmetic and abacus education with a wide network comprising of more than 2400 centers with more than six thousand course instructors and 6 lakhs student enrolments. The main aim of UCMAS is to provide this amazing child brain development program to expand widely by having a local UCMAS centre in every community across India with more Ucmas training centers slated to open in the near future. So if you want to become the next franchise partner of UCMAS, see the franchise cost, returns, requirements, and other details.

What is the franchise cost of UCMAS India?

To open a UCMAS Abacus Training Center franchise, investment of about Rs.1.5 lakhs to Rs.2 lakhs is required. The franchise fee is INR 1 lakhs. Further, you need to pay a royalty of 22% on monthly sales. So you can expect a profit margin of 30%. The profit differs by the number of student enrolments. The franchise term is for five years initially, after which it can be renewed.

How much space is required to start UCMAS abacus training center franchise?

To open Ucmas India franchise you require a carpet area of 300 square feet to 400 square feet. Find a suitable location for your franchise, which should be popular enough to attract the surrounding people.

Is it profitable to open a UCMAS India franchise?

Ucmas is a Chinese based Abacus & Mental Arithmetic concept and we all know the importance of abacus and its impact on the brain development of a child. It eliminates the fear of mathematics by making the arithmetic calculations easier for the children. Ucmas franchise offers a good alternative for those unwilling to invest big and fearing lack of returns. Moreover it an easy-to-operate system where you can work part-time or full time. It just requires low operating cost and minimum investments. The future is bright for high-quality education franchises and the market is growing relentlessly. So calculate your profits with UCMAS franchise a productive business opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs.

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